Tuesday 24 March 2009

Bid to smooth the economic cycles

ngela Heng , HONG KONG | Tue, 03/24/2009 10:08 AM | Opinion

Among the most vulnerable in the current recession are the poor, and especially the poor in developing countries. As people in the developed world worry, quite rightly, about job security, how to get a loan for a new car or house and paying the bills every month, millions of people in poorer countries risk sliding even further into extreme poverty.

For them, even basics such as getting enough food and having a simple shelter from the elements is likely to be out of reach. It is therefore hardly surprising that the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon warned again recently that immediate action is needed to protect people, jobs, shelter and livelihoods in developing countries and called for a redoubling of commitments to meeting the UN’s Millennium Development Goals. Read more

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