Monday 3 August 2009

Bonn Conference on International Development Policy 2009

New Impulses for Development Cooperation between the Regions and Local Authorities

The federal states, regions and local authorities are important players in the field of development cooperation.

Development cooperation is not solely a domain of the national states. On the contrary: Federal states (or rather in the European context: Regions) and local authorities are also important players. This is the message of the 2nd Bonn Conference on International Development. But how can and how do the subnational players want to employ their skills? Which development policy tasks do the federal states or the regions assume, and which tasks are carried out by local authorities? What form can development cooperation with a viable future, in which the Federal government, federal states and local authorities are jointly responsible, take? What do the federal states expect from the federal government? These questions that were already posed in 2008 at the annual conference of the heads of government of the federal states in Dresden, will now be further discussed in Bonn. In this process we should take a look beyond Germany`s boundaries to other European states and their partners in Sub-Saharan Africa. Guests from France, Sweden, Spain, Ghana and from numerous additional African and European states report on their experiences working with other countries in the field of Development Cooperation. Specific examples of everyday cooperative work, which are presented at the 2nd Bonn Conference on International Development Policy additionally provide action guidance. As was already the case at the 1st Bonn Conference the event organisers will attach great importance to dialogue between experts from the political, economic, science and civil society sectors.

The 2nd Bonn Conference on International Development Policy is an event organised by the Ministry for Intergenerational Affairs, Family, Women and Integration of the Federal German State of North Rhine-Westphalia (MGFFI). The joint event organisers are the Association of German development non-governmental organisations (VENRO), the Federal City of Bonn, the German Development Institute (DIE), and the KfW Entwicklungsbank. The event's cooperation partners are the Deutsche Welle (DW), the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI), and the NRW.BANK.

Go to the programme
Go to the registration form

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